His Eminence Archbishop KYRILL of San Francisco and Western America
His Grace Bishop THEODOSY of Seattle,
1st Auxiliary of the Western American Diocese
(415) 221-0234
St. Nicholas Cathedral
Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk Church
2nd Auxiliary of the Western American Diocese
Old Holy Virgin Cathedral
864 Fulton Street
San Francico, CA 94117
His Grace Bishop NIKOLAI (Soraich)
(702) 858-7801
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All Saints Russian Orthodox Church
Archpirest James Baglien
(541) 753-4812
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Saint Martin the Merciful Church
Protodeacon George Balaban
(408) 866-1230
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St Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church
Priest William E. Bauer
Saint Columba Orthodox Church (Western Rite)
Protodeacon Paul Bilibin
(425) 774-5952
Holy Virgin Church of the Kursk Root Icon
Priest John Calbom
(206) 225-3265
Protodeacon George Chrebtow
(602) 432-8318
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Priest Sebastian Craffey
Holy Archangels Church
Telephone: (602) 600-8086
Mailing address: 2320 E. Baseline Road #142 Phoenix, AZ 85042
Archpriest Vladimir Derugin
(650) 494-1099
Protection of the Holy Virgin Church (Palo Alto)
Priest Elijah Drake-Wu
All Saints Orthodox Church (Western Rite)
Priest Yuri Fokin
Holy Virgin Cathedral
Priest Matthew Garrett
(208) 859-9698
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Archimandrite Gideon (Marzev)
(323) 578-5663
Holy Resurrection Church
Priest Andrew Gliga
(408) 250-0486
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St Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church
Archpriest Eugene Grushetsky
(619) 282-3305
Archpriest Georgiy Gulin
(916) 949-3719
St. Barbara Russian Orthodox Mission
Priest Matthew Harrington
(225) 772-7058
St. John the Wonderworker Orthodox Church, Kennwick, WA
Archpriest Boris Henderson
(303) 753-1401
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Archpriest Christopher Horsley
Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
Priest Luke Huggins
(509) 522-4584
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St. James the Just Community
Deacon Therapon Jajeh
(650) 438-6465
Hierodeacon Peter (Karakozoff)
(415) 503-7705
Protodeacon Andre Karobkoff
(818) 645-8539
Holy Transfiguration Cathedral (Los Angeles)
Rev. George Kaplanov
(415) 205-4424
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Holy Virgin Cathedral, San Francisco
Priest Sergy Kiryukhin
(415) 577-4257
Holy Virgin Cathedral
Priest Athanasius Kone
(509) 876-7718
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Iveron Mother of God Community
Archpriest Alexis Kotar
(206) 322-9387
St. Nicholas Cathedral
Protodeacon Anton Koval
Holy Virgin Cathedral, San Francisco
Archpriest Alexander Krassovsky
(707) 585-8330
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Archpriest George Kurtow
(831) 442-2149
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St. Seraphim of Sarov Church
Priest Columba (Stephen) Lally
Hermitage of the Surety of Sinners Icon of the Mother of God
Email: rcolumba@sosih.org
Priest John Longero
Saint Andrew's Orthodox Church
Protopresbyter Alexander Lebedev
(818) 887-7032
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Holy Transfiguration Cathedral (Los Angeles)
Priest Boris Levashev
(503) 785-9034 ext 101
Mobile: (360) 609-0616
Archpriest Anatole Lyovin
(808) 947-9093
Iveron Mother of God Community
Father Joseph Mai
Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church (Western Rite)
(629) 252-1851
6749 Tait St.
San Diego, CA 92111
Telephone: 629.252.1851
Archpriest Nicolas Matar
The Orthodox Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Priest John McCuen
(602) 276-6338
Priest Daniil Millwood
(425) 697 0243
Holy Virgin Church of the Kursk Root Icon
Archpriest David Moser
(208) 424-7878
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Deacon Vladimir Nazarenko
(503) 659-0085
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New Russian Martyrs Church
Archimandrite Nektariy (Hadzhi-Petropoulos)
(52)(55) 5208-8945
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Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Monastery
Deacon Symeon Noon
(831) 406-7527
Email: fr-symeon@noon.org
St. Seraphim of Sarov Church
Priest Theodore Obrastoff
Email: Frobraztsov@gmail.com
Saint Elizabeth of Russia Orthodox Church
Archpriest John Ocana
(408) 730-4545
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Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko
(650) 344-4355
Hieromonk Paul (Kilman)
(206) 463-5918
All-Merciful Saviour Monastery
Archpriest John A. Peck
(928) 910-2186
All Saints of North America Orthodox Church
Deacon Joseph Peck
All Saints of North America Orthodox Church
Archpriest Peter Perekrestov
(415) 387-5164
Archpriest Martin Person
(714) 408-6456
St Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church
Priest Alexei Poliakov
(323) 668-9304
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Holy Transfiguration Cathedral
Deacon Innocent Philo
(509) 525-9522
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Priest Jesse Philo
(509) 301-1691
Priest Philip Plowman
(530) 626-1003
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St. Elias Orthodox Mission
Priest Michael Preobrazhensky
(303) 530-4161
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Church of All Russian Saints
Priest Daniel Reese
(509) 529-4035
Deacon Anthony Ryder
(505) 474-3369
St. Juliana of Lazarevo Church
Deacon Nikolai Sharkov
(707) 922-6328
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St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
Archpriest Ioann Shtets
+1 (510) 561-5246
Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk Church
Priest David Starr
(505) 310-2805
St. Juliana of Lazarevo Church
Priest James Steele
(530) 295-1341
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Deacon Seraphim Torruella
(916) 768-2796
Holy Ascension Church
Abbot Tryphon (Parsons)
(206) 463-5918
All-Merciful Saviour Monastery
Priest Michael Vallecillo
Saint Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church
Priest Jan Veselak
(303) 388-7290
Church of All Russian Saints
Archpriest Michael van Opstall
(801) 259-8481
St. George Russian Orthodox Church
Archpriest Michael Vladimirov
(516) 582-3100
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Church of the Kazan Mother of God
Archpriest Paul Volmensky
(916) 730-2680
Holy Ascension Russian Orthodox Church
Priest Nectarios Yangson
(773) 800-0077
Deacon Sergey Zhukov
(310) 826-0870
Protection of the Holy Virgin Church