Western American Diocese
Western American Diocese
Category: Featured Content - Upcoming Events
32 results found.
2025 Registration Open for All Students - 02/11/2025

The 35th session of the Synodal School of Liturgical Music is scheduled for July 13 to 26 at Holy Dormition Convent “Novo-Diveevo” in Nanuet, New York. The coming session promises an immersion in courses in Typicon, choir conducting, voice, Church Slavonic, church music history, liturgical performance practice, music theory, and sight-singing.

Schedule of Parish Visits of the “Kursk-Root” Icon in the Western American Diocese January 28 through February 20, 2025 - 01/22/2025

Support St. John's Academy: Preserve Faith & Education - 12/17/2024

For three decades, St. John’s Academy in San Francisco - the first K-12 Orthodox Christian school in the United States - has cultivated generations of successful students in not only academic excellence but also a deep sense of faith and purpose.

Founded and housed in the same cathedral where the relics of St. John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai and San Francisco have been uncovered, St. John’s Academy has been a beacon of faith, hope, and love in the Bay Area. As this premier Orthodox Christian school celebrates its 30th anniversary, it faces an unprecedented challenge: the rising costs of living and operating in San Francisco, coupled with post-COVID demographic shifts in the Bay Area...

Fundraiser: Stained Glass and Iconography for St. John's Chapel in Seattle - 12/05/2024

His Grace Theodosy Bishop of Seattle, Archpriest Alex Kotar and all the clergy, the members of the Church Parish Council, and parishioners of Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox in Seattle, WA, are adorning the chapel that has been constructed in the room where our beloved Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco reposed in the Lord on July 2nd, 1966. See the flyer below. The parish is collecting $45,000 for a large stained glass window in the High Place behind the Holy Table and iconography on the walls and ceiling. Please support this worthy project!

Liturgy and Christmas Bazaar at the Russian River, Saturday, December 14, 2024 - 12/03/2024

Eastern Orthodox Liturgy in Yosemite Valley Saturday, November 9 - 11/01/2024

XVIII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference to be held in Jackson, CA, from December 26-30, 2024 - 10/02/2024

The XVIII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference will be held this year at St. Sava’s Camp in Jackson, CA. Arrival is December 26 (arrival airport/train station is Sacramento) with departure on December 30. The conference will include an edifying lecture, discussions with clergy, liturgical workshops, a hierarchal liturgy, and social interaction in the beautiful outdoors.

A highlight of the conference will be a tour of St. Sava's Serbian Orthodox Church where the honorable relics of Saint Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson repose.

Registration is $250 before December 1. After December 1, if there are spaces left, there is a $25 late registration fee.

More Information & Registration HERE.

St Herman’s West 2024 Schedule will come later.

Restore the Glory of the Home Where St. John's Relics Rest - 08/27/2024

The 31st Annual Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference, October 2-6, 2024 - 08/27/2024

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the 31st Annual Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference will be hosted in Los Angeles at the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral from October 2-6, 2024. The theme of the conference: "The Future of Church Singing: Paths to Performance." Lectures, master classes, and rehearsals will be held in the Cathedral.

Among the guests are Archpriest John Drobot and Protodeacon Alexander Kedrov (Paris). The conference will close with a Divine Liturgy presided by a hierarch.

You can get detailed information and register here.

Great Consecration of Sts. Peter & Paul Russian Orthodox Church in Santa Rosa, CA, Monday November 11, 2024 - 08/27/2024


            By the Mercy of God and with the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the long-awaited Great Consecration of Sts. Peter & Paul Russian Orthodox Church in Santa Rosa, CA is scheduled to take place on Monday, November 11, 2024.

            His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, First-Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad will be presiding, with His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America concelebrating, together with other bishops and clergy.

Saint John of Shanghai the Wonderworker Annual Celebration -- 30th Anniversary of His Canonization - 05/21/2024

Schedule of Cathedral Services
All services surrounding the Feast Day of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco are to be held at Holy Virgin Cathedral - Joy of All Who Sorrow in San Francisco.  Please visit sfsobor.com for visitor information and updates.

5:00 pm Daily Vespers & Matins
6:45 pm Translation of Reliquary to the center of the cathedral
7:00 pm AKATHIST to St. John before his relics
5:00 pm Confessions
6:00 pm Vigil - ST. JOHN

6:30 am Early Liturgy
9:00 am Hierarchal Liturgy -  His Eminence Metropolitan NICHOLAS First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia presiding.

"Pursuing Wholeness: A Christian Perspective on Modern Psychology." - 05/20/2024

Educational Seminar

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1:00 PM,

The Large Hall of the HOLY VIRGIN CATHEDRAL (6210 Geary Boulevard, SF) will host an Educational seminar on aspects of Psychology from a Christian worldview.

The following reports will be given to the audience:

✜ Modern Psychology and the Orthodox Approach to the Healing of the Soul: Some Reflections, by His Grace, James (CORAZZA), Bishop of Sonora, second vicar of the Western American Diocese.

✜ Bridging Christianity and Psychological Science, by Priest George KAPLANOV Psy.S., Psychology; B.Th., Theological Studies.

✜ Orthodox Perspective on Addiction and Recovery (via ZOOM), by Deacon Stefan STOYANOV M.Sc., Mental Health Counseling; B.Th., Theological Studies.

✜ Question-and-answer sessions will follow the presentations.


Come if your interest is piqued!

Lunch will be provided!

Email the following address to register: email@worldview.education

Voluntary donation $15

Your contribution can be made using Zelle on the name Georgiy Kaplanov (415) 205-4424 or PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Wor1dview.

Luncheon and Afternoon of Giving: 30th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. John the Wonderworker - 05/20/2024

Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Fort Ross: Memorial Day May 27, 2024 - 05/20/2024

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, all are welcome to join members of the Western American Diocese for the traditional pilgrimage to Fort Ross on Memorial Day, May 27th, 2024.

The Holy Trinity/Saint Nicholas Chapel at Fort Ross is the first Russian Orthodox Church in the contiguous United States. Fort Ross is "holy land" – where two saints have labored: St Innocent of Alaska/Moscow and the Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut. Two other saints, St Tikhon and St John of Shanghai, have prayed here and sanctified the lands, the chapel, and the cemetery.

After the liturgy a procession to the cemetery with a "Litya for the Departed." 


Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco is sponsoring the XII Annual Lenten Retreat on Sunday, April 21, 2024.

The Aroma of Holiness: VLADIKA JOHN

Register HERE.

XVII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference to be held in Las Vegas, NV, from December 26-29, 2023 - 10/12/2023

Announcing the XVII Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference which will be held at All Saints Russian Orthodox Church in Las Vegas, Nevada from December 26-29, 2023. Registration HERE.

St. Herman’s West 2023 will be held this year at All Saints Orthodox Church in Las Vegas, NV. Arrival is December 26 with a departure on December 29. The conference will include an edifying lecture, discussions with clergy, liturgical workshops, a hierarchal liturgy, and social interaction in the beautiful outdoors of Las Vegas. Forget the reputation and casinos — we’ll be far away from all of that! Come out for a break from winter weather and an injection of new life into your Orthodox life! Registration for parishioners of the ROCOR Western American Diocese is open now. Register Here. Registration fees are $250 for the first member of each family, and $225 for each additional member. After your registration is processed, you will receive an invoice to pay online.

Recruiting counselors! Adults ages 23-28 are welcome to apply to be counselors for the St. Herman’s conference. Applications are made by email to wadyouth3@gmail.com. Counselors attend at a discounted rate and serve to keep various parts of the conference flowing smoothly. Counselors should have a deep interest in the youth of our church, and be ready to help encourage participant interaction. Counselors will cook the final meal and do daily room checks. To apply, send an email with a paragraph describing your interest, and contact information for one or two references, one of which should be your parish priest/confessor.

Schedule (tentative version of 9/20)

Tuesday, Dec. 26:

5:00 pm Dinner

6:00 pm Film

7:15 pm: Evening prayers

7:30 pm: Vans back to hotel

8:00 pm: Free time with organized games

10:00 pm: Lights out

Wednesday, Dec. 27

8:00 Morning prayers

8:30 Vans leave for Red Rock Canyon

9:00-11:00 Red Rock Canyon

11:30 Lunch at hotel

1:00 Vans leave for church

1:30 Talk #1

3:00 Workshops

4:30 Table discussions #1

5:00 Dinner

6:00 Vigil

8:30 Vans back to hotel

10:00 pm: Lights out

Thursday, Dec. 28

8:00 Vans to church

8:30 Liturgy

11:00 Lunch

12:00 Stretching/ethnic dancing

1:30 Talk #2

3:00 Table Discussions #2

5:00 Dinner

6:00 Vans back to hotel (organized opportunities for games, etc.)

11:00 pm: Lights out

Friday, Dec 29

Departure Day. Hotel latest checkout is 11:00 am.

Saint John Benevolent Fund will Sponsor an Annual Fundraiser - 08/30/2023

Saturday, October 21, 2023
11:00 AM  12:30 PM
St. John Benevolent Fund

More information HERE

The Synodal Liturgical Music Commission announces the 30th North-American conference of the Russian Church Abroad - 08/30/2023

With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, and St. Xenia’s Russian Orthodox Church in Ottawa, Ontario will present the 30th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference, Ottawa, Canada, October 4-8, 2023:

The Orthodox Liturgical Aesthetic: Creating Beautiful Services

Featured Faculty: Nicholas Cowall, from Melbourne, Australia, is an experienced church musician, music educator, conductor, vocal coach, and vocalist (see link in website).

The purpose of these conferences is to bring together choir members and conductors to explore the wealth and beauty of Russian Orthodox church music. Participants will gain practical and theoretical knowledge and experience through lectures, workshops and rehearsals which culminate in festive hierarchal services. Metropolitan Nicholas will officiate with Archbishop Gabriel concelebrating. Further, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, get to know like-minded people and expand their liturgical repertoire.

The All-Night Vigil and the Divine Liturgy will be held at St. Xenia’s Russian Orthodox Church, located at 2 Colchester Square, Ottawa.

For more information see the conference website https://rocmconference.net or write to info@rocmconference.net


First Primatial Visit of the Newly-­Elected

to the Western­ American Diocese

Schedule of the Celebration of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco Day, July 1st, 2023 - 05/26/2023

The celebration of the holy memory of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker falls on Saturday July 2nd, 2022. This year the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia celebrates the 30th anniversary of the opening of his honorable relics.


Thursday, June 29th at 7:00 PM -- Translation of the honorable relics and Akathist Hymn to Saint John
Friday, June 30th at 6:00 PM -- The Greeting of His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America and All-night Vigil
Saturday, July 1st at 9:00 AM -- The Greeting of the Bishop and Divine Liturgy

Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, Memorial Day, May 29, 2023 - 05/26/2023

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, all are welcome to join members of the Western American Diocese for the traditional pilgrimage to Fort Ross on Memorial Day, May 29th, 2023.

The Holy Trinity/Saint Nicholas Chapel at Fort Ross is the first Russian Orthodox Church in the contiguous United States. Fort Ross is holy land – where two saints have labored: St Innocent of Alaska/Moscow and the Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut. Two other saints, St Tikhon and St John of Shanghai, have prayed here and sanctified the lands, the chapel, and the cemetery.

After the liturgy a procession to the cemetery with a "Litya for the Departed." 

Holy Trinity Seminary's 75th Anniversary Celebration - 05/24/2023

On behalf of our Rector, Dean, faculty, and students, I am excited to announce the details for Holy Trinity Seminary's 75th Anniversary Celebration, which is set to take place this coming September 15-17, 2023

For more information, including the schedule of events (also printed below) and to purchase tickets for the Anniversary Concert on Friday evening and the Benefit Banquet on Sunday afternoon, visit the dedicated page on our website HERE.

8:00-10:00 pm – Anniversary Concert: Bells, Choirs, and Resounding Virtuosity
Location: Christ Episcopal Church in Cooperstown, NY (5 min. away from Otesaga Hotel).
Advance ticket purchase is required. See the website link above.
9:00 am-3:00 pm – Public Program: The Orthodox Christian Seminary in the 21st Century: Pathways, Questions, and Historical Dilemmas
Location: Holy Trinity Seminary Nicholas Alexandrov Building - The Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov Hall
7:00 pm – All-Night Vigil in the cathedral.
9:00 am – Entrance of His Eminence, Metropolitan NICHOLAS, First Hierarch of ROCOR followed by Hierarchal Divine Liturgy.
3:00 pm – Otesaga Hotel - Cooperstown, NY / Benefit Banquet
Advance purchase of tickets or tables required. 

With questions or for additional information, contact our 75th Anniversary coordinator John Keller by email at 75th@hts.edu or call him at 315-409-1445.

We hope to see you here for this wonderful milestone in the life of the Seminary!

In Christ,

Deacon Michael Pavuk
Director of Development
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary

Pastors' Retreat for Clergy of the Western American Diocese, Great Lent, 2023 - 02/25/2023

Pastors' Retreat, Great Lent 2023

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America
and Under the Protection of the Wonderworking Myrrh-streaming
“Iveron-Hawaiian” Icon of the Mother of God

Dates: March 13-15, 2023
Location: Saint Paisius Monastery, Safford, AZ

Lenten Retreat, March 17-19: Lenten Retreat, "Origins: Creationism, Evolution, and the Orthodox Theology of Creation." - 02/25/2023

Lenten Retreat with His Grace Irenei Bishop of Great Britain & Western Europe
Event Date: March 17-19, 2023
Event Location: 4700 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside, CA 92507

The event is free but donations are welcome! Please register so we can ensure plenty of seating for all attendees.

Lecture 1- "The Lamb Slain Before the Foundation of the World Moving Beyond Creationism and Evolution."
Lecture 2 - "The Order of Salvation: The Creation of the Cosmos as the Beginning of the Church in Genesis."
Lecture 3 - "The Creation of Man: The Pinnacle of Creation"
Lecture 4 and Q&A - "Creation and Its Consequences: The Sanctity of Life and Ecology"

16th Annual Saint Herman's West Youth Conference - 10/07/2022

St. Herman's West 2022 will be held this year at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Youngtown (near Phoenix), AZ. Arrival is December 26 with departure on December 30. The conference will include a work project -- building a walkway for processions at the church, panel discussions, lectures by Fr. George Kaplanov, liturgical workshops, a hierarchal liturgy, and social interaction in beautiful areas of Phoenix and Old Town Scottsdale. Come out for a break from winter weather and an injection of new life into your Orthodox life! Registration for parishioners of the ROCOR Western American Diocese opens October 1 via the link HERE.

Iveron-Hawaiian Icon to Visit San Francisco - 07/08/2022

We are pleased to announce the Wonderworking and Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of Hawaii will be brought to the San Francisco Bay Area in July 2022. She is being escorted by her guardian, Father Nectarios from Hawaii.
The current schedule is provided below:
July 9, 2022, Saturday
Old Holy Virgin Cathedral
864 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
4:50pm, Arrival of the Wonderworking Iveron Icon
5:00pm, All-Night Vigil
July 10, 2022, Sunday
Holy Resurrection Church
26050 Kay Avenue
Hayward, CA 94545
9:00am, Matins
9:45am, Arrival of the Wonderworking Iveron Icon
10:00am, Divine Liturgy
12:30pm, Akathist to the Mother of God
1:00pm, Reception in honor of the Mother of God
Orthodox Hawaiian Iveron Icon Association (OHIIA)
PO Box 251
Aiea, HI 96701

Funeral Schedule for Archpriest Alexei Poliakov - 06/27/2022

The Funeral for newly-departed Archpriest Alexei Poliakov will take place at Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA, on the day of the celebration of the memory of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker, which is also the 9th Day from the repose of Father Alexei. 

Friday, July 1 –– Panykhida at 6:00 pm
Saturday, July 2 –– Funeral at 10:00 am, pominki in the church hall of the cathedral will follow
Burial to take place in Russia

Holy Transfiguration Cathedral
5432 Fernwood Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90027


В субботу 2-го июля в день Празднования Иоанна Шанхайского - в 10 утра будет Отпевание (это будет как раз 9-ый день).
После отпевания - Поминки в большом зале при Соборе.
Хоронить батюшку будут в России.

Schedule of the Patronal Feast of Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church, Seaside, CA - 06/25/2022

In preparation for the impending celebration of their patronal feast day, a group of four motivated parishioners of Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church in Seaside, CA, generously donated a week of their time, showing devotion and love for Saint Seraphim of Sarov the Wonderworker by replacing the floor in the Holy Altar. In addition to this, the brand new flooring material used was considerably discounted.

Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, Memorial Day, May 30, 2022 - 05/07/2022

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, all are welcome join members of the Western American Diocese for the traditional pilgrimage to Fort Ross on Memorial Day, May 30th, 2022.

The Holy Trinity/Saint Nicholas Chapel at Fort Ross is the first Russian Orthodox Church in the contiguous United States. Fort Ross is holy land – where two saints have labored: St Innocent of Alaska/Moscow and the Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut. Two other saints, St Tikhon and St John of Shanghai, have prayed here and sanctified the lands, the chapel, and the cemetery.

After the liturgy a procession to the cemetery with a ‘Litya for the Departed’.  The names of the people buried there will be read and a brief story about the people and history of the fort and cemetery will be shared.

After the Divine Services, everyone is invited to Lady of Kazan Church in Guerneville with a greeting of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill. This is a potluck luncheon.

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill to Visit Holy Archangels Church in Phoenix, AZ - 03/17/2022

His Eminence Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America is scheduled to visit Holy Archangels Church in Phoenix, AZ, on Sunday, March 20, 2022. The Greeting of the Bishop is scheduled for 9:30 am.

His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill to Visit Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Youngtown, AZ - 03/17/2022

His Eminence Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America is scheduled to visit Christ the Savior Church in Youngtown, AZ, on Saturday, March 19, 2022. The Greeting of the Bishop is scheduled for 9:30 am.

11234 W. Alabama Ave.
Youngtown, AZ 85363

Website: https://christthesavioraz.org/


Donate to Support Refugees and the Suffering in Ukraine - 03/09/2022

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the Western American Diocese is organizing collections to benefit the refugees and the other innocents suffering from the present military conflict in Ukraine. We urge our faithful to be zealous in their support of those suffering. Their need is great, as is our opportunity to help them. 

Category: Featured Content - Upcoming Events
32 results found.
2025 Registration Open for All Students - 02/11/2025
Schedule of Parish Visits of the “Kursk-Root” Icon in the Western American Diocese January 28 through February 20, 2025 - 01/22/2025
Support St. John's Academy: Preserve Faith & Education - 12/17/2024
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