Schema Archimandrite Nektariy and brethren of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Mexico City are alive and well after the 8.4 earthquake in Mexico.
Fr Nektariy wrote to FFA: "You could only hear the cracking of walls and furniture and things falling down; our bells were ringing... it seemed that our time had come... we just kneel down in the confusion and darkness in deep prayer... after an eternity we realized that God was very merciful... Slava Bogu !!! We all are fine, scared but no tragedies, nor pain in our communities, so far.
The earthquake last night, was 8.4 Richter !!! It is the strongest we have had in Mexico in the past 100 years !!! In September 1985 the earthquake was 8.1 Richter and we lost about 100 000 people. Today's earthquake was located far away from Mexico City, this is why we didn't have such tragedies.
Please help our brethren in Mexico!
I perfectly remember the 1985 earthquake here; however I can assure you that last night's lasted more, for over a minute. The power went off; I was working at the office, it was midnight when we hear the earthquake alarm. Then, I was pretty sure that the monastery building was collapsing on our heads. All the monks were in different rooms, but we yelled at each other asking if we were okay.
However the earthquake replicas continue and everybody fear the next... Watching the dead, and thinking about the victims who have lost everything in the last few weeks through natural disasters in Mexico and elsewhere, due to hurricanes, floods, earthquakes... Time to rethink, meditate, and get closer to God in order to be prepared for tomorrow.
The Church is always open to embrace, help, and protect those in need. I spent the whole night talking to our people who live in different cities of Mexico; specially those who were right at the epicenter of the earthquake.
Our monastery continues his sacred ministry in Mexico to the Russian Orthodox faithful thanks to our donors; without your help we would have closed our mission long ago. A BIG THANK YOU to all our donors and to the dedicated staff of the FFA.
May our Merciful Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ have mercy and protect us all.
You are in our daily prayers.
Fr. Nektariy"
Please support Fr Nektariy and the Holy Trinity Monastery in Mexico City here.
Source: Fund For Assistance
The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
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